Welcome, from the Epsilon Chapter!
Our Mission
Pi Kappa Chi is a professional Chiropractic fraternity, dedicated to the strength and promotion of Chiropractic, through the development and growth of the Chiropractic student.
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but interest patients in the care of the human frame, in edit, and the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas Edison
The Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Chi is committed to to excellence in Chiropractic. We believe that students who are dedicated, confident, and open minded in Chiropractic are the hallmark of a successful Chiropractic education.

What are the objectives of the Fraternity?
History of Pi Kappa Chi Fraternity
Leadership, Dedication, Integrity; these are the principles which reflect our founders.
Pi Kappa Chi was initially started at Palmer College in 1967. Since then, the number of members and chapters have steadily grown. Gamma Chapter (Logan College), was privileged enough to become a part of this organization in June 1985 and Epsilon Chapter (Sherman College) in November 2015.